Hilo Oficial White Knight Chronicles 2 [Ya a la venta]

enero 26, 2010
Acabo de leer esto en otro foro, esta en ingles y segun dice se podran crear clanes. Por lo visto lo van a implementar en la version japonesa

The guild system has been fully implemented on the Japanese version now, and assuming everything stays the same with the International version we can look forward to:

Guild Creation

To create a guild, the Guild Master must first purchase a 'Guild License' from the PSN Store (Not sure what the price will be exactly, but expect it to be around the $20 mark.) The Guild Master will be able to admit members, manage the guild and adjust other settings concerning the guild.

Joining a Guild

Once a guild is created, other players can apply to join - With the Guild Master having the responsibility of accepting or denying applications. There can be up to 250 members (including the Guild Master) in a guild at any one time, and each avatar can only be a member of one guild at any one time. (Guild members DO NOT require a License to join the guild.)

The Concierge

Each Guild will have a special character known as 'The Concierge', who will provide support for maintaining the Guild and the Guild Town. The Guild Master is the only person who can change the settings through the Concierge. (This will also allow you to change the items available for sale in the Guild Town.)

The Guild Page

Each Guild will have a page dedicated to their own organisation and will serve as an application page for people who want to join and an access page for current Guild members.

Guild Town

The Guild Town is Guild-Member only town which will serve as a meeting place, questing location and purchasing point. As when creating rooms in a normal Geo, there will be an option to allow Guests (non-guild members) to join.

As in WKC1, the Guild Town level will increase as you raise the Guild Rank (which is given to a guild as a whole, not just an individual member.)

Guild Forums

The Forums can now be set to allow only Guild members to view and reply to threads (much like the current system for Friend-only Adventure Logs.)


You can now batch-mail players through B-Mail, in addition to mailing every member of the Guild (which will be very useful for announcements, event planning, news etc.)

Developing the Guild

Players will not only be able to develop their own avatars, but can contribute to the 'Prestige Points' of the guild - Which will be calculated by the servers on a regular basis, providing a Guild Ranking Board and adding to the Guild level. (Note that the Guild Level can also go down as well as up.)

Guilds which maintain a high level will have access to various benefits in the Guild Town.

Raising Guild Level and Prestige

Every day the guild will receive 'Guild Tokens' which can be used when posting a quest. Upon completing the quest you will receive 'Geostones' and Prestige Points for your Guild. (To this end, active guilds will be well rewarded, while more casual ones will not gain the true benefits available.)

There is a special Ticket available for the Guild Master to purchase which will increase the number of Guild Tokens available to the Guild per increment.

Guild Ranking List

When a Guild is created, an entry on the Ranking List is made - And this will form the basis of which guilds will gain the various levels of benefit.

The order is based on the Prestige Points gained by the Guild Members through the 'Guild Tokens', and is calculated frequently to give an up-to-date listings of the Guild standing.

(The Top 10 Guilds will receive some very useful benefits in their Guild Town.)

[Source: http://www.jp.playstation.com/scej/title/shirokishi/info2nd/news/other/11-04-06-206.html]
enero 11, 2010
es lo que iba a comentar, por mi parte va a caer fijo, ya que ando falto de un rpg que me enganche, los ultimos que me he comprado me han decepcionado bastante, y un online con gente española o de habla hispana con micros puede ser muy entretenido

alguien ha pensado formar un clan para este juego del foro??? entre todos nos equipariamos y a subir, la verdad que promete, he visto gameplays del online y me han gustado bastante
enero 26, 2010
Yo tambien tengo pensado pillarme el juego y me gustaria formar un clan, eso si no se donde lo he visto pero por crear un clan te cobran dinero, creo que eran 20 euros
enero 11, 2010
@Noojit dijo:
20 euros por crear un clan? Eso es una locura y como sea verdad es para matarlos
no creo que hagan eso, es simple logica, que no se nada, pero es tan facil como crear nuestro clan desde el foro e ignorar el sistema de clan del juego si es que llega a tener, el unico juego que conozco que tiene sistemas de clan incorporado en el juego es el killzone y es gratuito, porque lo de poner la etiqueta de tu clan delante de tu nombre no cuenta que eso lo tienen muchos juegos

Noojit te cito para proponerte que incluyas una pestaña de clan en el hilo, para saber la gente que se comprara el juego y esta interesada en tener clan, asi el dia de la salida pues agregarnos y empezar a jugar juntos, con horarios que podemos jugar y demas

una pregunta, yo que no me he pasado el primero, tendre que pasarme los dos juegos completos, el 1 y el 2, para poderle darle al online?? como va exactamente eso??


febrero 17, 2010
La verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta el juego, que dia exacto sale?


febrero 9, 2009
Newport Beach.
Pero que representa que meteremos el videojuego en la consola, y ya 1o nos sale para pasarnos el 1o? o como va el tema..
Porque para los que nos hemos pasado el 1o?


abril 19, 2009
que raro que en las paginas uk no venga aun para hacer el preorder, nadie sabe nada?
enero 25, 2010
¿Alguien me puede mostrar un vídeo de la jugabilidad que esté en español o inglés? Es que quiero comprarmelo para este Verano y estoy un poco indeciso.

Saludos :D