Noticias Por Daniel Valero 20 octubre, 2007

Sí habrá demo de MGS4

Payton reaviva al esperanza de una dmeo cuando el juego esté en condicones de ser mostrado al público.

Ryan Payton, ha respondido a los rumores que apuntaban a que Konami no lanzaría una demo de MGS4 para la PSN, diciendo que la demo se lanzará cuando el desarrollo del videojuego esté completo.

Payton, añadió que esto se debe a que estan continuamente cambiando la Inteligencia artificial, modelados, esquemas de control, etc…… y que no quieren presentar a los jugadores una demo que no se corresponda con el juego final, porque sino seíiamos testeadores de Betas.

Ryan Payton: Oh, that’s an easy question. The reason is because we’re showing the game off at E For All. We’re giving people basically a fifteen minute test of the game. You can get to the end of the demo in this version, but it’s not perfect. The game we’re working on right now in the studio, the retail version of the game is actually quite different. We’ve been tweaking the threat ring – when you go into alert mode, then caution mode, and then normal mode, that’s changed as well. The control scheme has changed a little bit. The menus have changed. There’s so many different things that if we put this game on the Playstation Store it would feel like a beta test. And we know that people would be breaking the game playing it over and over and over again and looking at how the AI’s not complete yet.

With that said, we want to bring the game out and let people play it in their own homes and play this demo, but we feel that it’s not a 100% representation of the retail version of the game. So as of right now there’s no plans. Could that change in the future? It could, and I know people are disappointed. But we feel it’s best for the game and for the gamer not to get an unfinished demo.