Game of the year (Amazon)

julio 6, 2007
Buenos Aires - Argentina
1. Super Mario Galaxy

"Our one word review for the new Mario: Wow! The new standard in platformers, the best game on the Wii hands down, and maybe the best Nintendo game of all time. If you don't own a Wii yet, this is the reason to buy one."

2. The Orange Box

"The Orange Box is loaded with phenomenal games - Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal - and each game by itself is amazing. Portal itself is one of the most innovative games in years."

3. BioShock

"A tremendous first person shooter experience with a great storyline, amazing graphics, creepy little girls, and one of the best baddies - "Big Daddy" - in years."

4. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

"The best game to date on the Nintendo DS, Phantom Hourglass makes great use of the stylus, has a terrific storyline, and provides action/adventure everyone should enjoy."

5. Rock Band Special Edition

"The comparisons to Guitar Hero are natural, but the guitar and game play have a smoother feel in Rock Band. Plus, the song list is extra strong thanks to MTV's involvement. But most of all: DRUMS!"

6. God of War 2 by Sony Computer Entertainment

2007 was a year of many great games and lots of focus on next generation consoles. Somehow along the way, GOW2 got a bit overlooked. It's an amazing game that builds upon and goes beyond the original. A must for gamers who can tolerate heavy violence, it's one of best PS2 games of all time.

7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

"The fourth installment of COD is simply amazing and by far the best game of the series. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is near-perfect for a first person shooter."

8. Crysis

"This game is a powerhouse. Graphically, this is simply the best game on earth. A great game for those who have the PC power to run it."

9. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction by Sony Computer Entertainment

It's like playing through a Pixar movie. The graphics are amazing and the game play is a blast. For PS3 owners this is a must own game.

10. Halo 3

"Certainly no game received more press during the year...and deservedly so. The third installment continues the Halo tradition of providing gamers a great first person shooter experience. If you're an online junkie, Halo 3 is a no brainer buy."


abril 25, 2006
Planeta Tierra.
Super Mario Galaxy ?! Lo tengo,es una Porqueria,que intenta imitar al de la 64,para nada aprovecha las posiblidades de la Wii y los gráficos son decepecionantes.
Para mi el mejor del año esta aun por venir,y será Uncharted,después Assassin's Creed,luego COD4....
agosto 13, 2007
Sin duda el COD4, solo el modo campaña es impresionante, y ya el online.... Quedare satisfecho solo si le quita el primer puesto otro juego, el assasin´s. Saludos.
agosto 1, 2007
Madrid City !!
el mario galaxy , no es la primera vez ke dicen ke es un juegazo , ya lo han dixo en mas sitios , y yo la verdad si lo dice tanta gente.. abra ke creerles xD